In this Player Spotlight we are looking at White Willow. He seems to grab attention in GC when he is there, so we sent some questions to help us learn more about him.
GM Rikoo: Who are you and how long have you played Illy?
WW: I am a guy who has, up until Illy, played pure war strategy games. I started playing Illy in September, 2015. My real life name is Jim.
If you could add any one thing to the game, what would it be?
I think if I could add one thing to the game it would be speed, but, surprisingly not a lot. I have learned that the many layers of Illy need time to develop and those without the patience are missing the most rewarding part of the game.
If you could delete any one thing from the game, what would it be?
Deleting something is easy because Illy is a game where you don’t have to complete all parts of the game. So the player can do what they are interested in.
Who is your bestest friend of all time in Illy?
I have a lot of friends in the game and I care about all of them. To answer your question I will go with Rill for her devotion to the game.
Who is your arch nemesis?
No nemesis at this time, but that can change… you never know. I am in DSA, a peaceful training alliance and work with Pink Camo another good friend.
If you could give a tip not to newbies, but to vets, what would it be?
My tip to vets? It’s not advice on how to play the game for sure. There are many here that could play circles around me. I would say if you are bored for any reason look around you and find a friend to support.
Awesome, thanks for answering our questions, White Willow! If you would like to nominate someone for Player Spotlight, please do so by sending an email to and be sure to include the name of the player and reasons why they should be highlighted!
GM Rikoo
I would say if you are bored for any reason look around you and find a friend to support. <—- THAT is an awesome reply WW!!