Illyriad: HTML5 WebGL Preview

We’ve done a bit of bloging about the “now”, but what about the future?

Well here at Illyriad we’ve been experimenting with WebGL and I can tell you we are impressed with how its shaping up.

Here’s a little taster of what we’ve been trying:


Its slightly shaky – but that’s my mouse movement not any lag from WebGL. Looks like I might never be a brain surgeon… haha

6 thoughts on “Illyriad: HTML5 WebGL Preview”

  1. wow… just wow, Illy is making a move from 2d canvas to 3d. it’s really sweet that you guys are looking so far into the future… only downside is it’s gonna make it less friendly at the workplace 😛

  2. Awesome!! Well, Meagh, all I can say is … “It’s a good thing I work from home!” lol
    Looking forward to the new changes 🙂

  3. This looks great, i’m really looking forward to it becoming live.
    and maybe your right about the Brain Surgeon’s job :))

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